Differences Between the Manga and Live-Action/Drama Versions of Great Teacher Onizuka



Ah, there is a reason you've accessed this file.  You want to know the differences between the manga and the live-action/drama/tv versions of the series 'Great Teacher Onizuka.'  Did you even know that both version are different?  For example, certain key events happened in different in order.  Others did occur, but a few technical aspects of it were modified.  Keep in mind that what you can show in a book and what you can show on TV are different-this is ONE of the reasons why changes were made from the non-animated to the 'real-life' versions.  This page will list and/or discuss the differences.   Though this section (fortunately or unfortunately) also serves to summarize the drama version in part...

There will be no pictures to help illustrate these differences at this time.  Events that take place within an episode are not exactly in precise order-but approximate.

The live action version of GTO came out before the animated series.  According to several sources, the last episode of the 12 part live action series was one of the most watched shows in Japan.  I am basing these comparisons based on the copies that I have obtained.  What is listed below is based on view/interpretation... ~and~ information collected on the internet.

Also note that the content in this section is NOT completely final, meaning that parts of the content is subject to revision/updating.  If you wish to contribute to this section, or if you feel that something listed below is inaccurate/wrong, then please don't hesistate to email me.  I'll give credit if you contribute something to this portion of the page.




Section first created on: May 17, 2003.
This particular section was last updated on:  March 7, 2004.

DISCLAIMER:Great Teacher Onizuka/GTO belongs to the original creator Tohru Fujisawa, and all related companies involved with GTO(like Tokyopop, etc).  I do not own any of this!  This page was created for entertainment/informative purposes only/ as part of a GTO fansite.  If there is a problem with this, or any other part of the GTO part of my website, please do not hesistate to contact me here and I will promptly remedy the situation.  No harm is intended by the creation, maintenance, and existence of this page.

I've divided the differences in this section in relation to the 'key events'/'sequences' of the story.  Click on a particular event/sequence to find out what happened/the differences that took place.  Be warned that some sections are incomplete and are a work in progress.
To go back to Holy Forest's Library
1A. Character Rosters
1B. Cast List
2. Episode 1
3. Episode 2
4. Episode 3
5. Episode 4
6. Episode 5
7. Episode 6
8. Episode 7
9. Episode 8
10. Episode 9
11. Episode 10
12. Episode 11
 13. Episode 12
14.  Conclusions/ Thoughts on the Drama Version of GTO

1A. Character Rosters
Character(s) of the Manga (Significant)
Appearance in Drama?
Eikichi Onizuka
YES-there wouldn't much of a GTO without him...
Asuza Fuyutsuki-Japanese Literature teacher
Yes-but as a English language teacher
Ryoko Sakurai-Director
Yes, but as Akira Sakurai
Hiroshi Uchiyamada-Vice Principal
Yes, but as a 'head teacher'
Ryoko Uchiyamada
Yoshiko Uchiyamada
Ryuji Danma-Motorcycle shop owner
Toshiyuki Saejima-the cop
Ryuji Saejima-the cop (that's one person)
Hajime Fukuroda-the P.E. teacher
Yes, but as Hajime Hakamada
Suguru Teshigawara-Math teacher
Noburu Yoshikawa
Yoshito Kikuchi
Nanako Mizuki-student at Musashino Public High School
Yes, but as a student at 'Musashi Seirin Academy'/'Holy Forest'
Kunio Murai
Miyabi Aizawa
Chikako Shirai 
Yes, but as Chikako Oshima
Saeko Iijima
Yes, but as Erika Tsukishima I believe
Tadaaki Kusano
Yes-but as Nanako's friend, not Murai's
Koji Fujiyoshi
Yes-but as Nanako's friend, not Murai's
Julia Murai
Anko Uehara
No-character merged with Aizawa
Aizawa's mother
Yes... but her character gets merged with ANKO'S MOTHER/MRS. UEHARA
Hiroko Kotani
Musashi Seirin Home Economics Teacher
Makoto Fujitomi
Musashi Seirin Japanese Literature Teacher
Koji Nakamata
Assistant to Uchiyamada or alternatively the School Supervisor. He teaches Science.
Mr. Toudo/Toudoh/Toudou
Vice President of the Ministry of Education
Shinichi Toudo/Toudoh/Toudou
Son of the Vice President, student at Jindan Academy

1B. Cast List (not complete)
Played By:
Eikichi Onizuka 
Takashi Sorimachi 
Azusa Fuyutsuki 
Nanako Matsushima
 Yoshito Kikuchi 
Yôsuke Kubozuka
Miyabi Aizawa
 Aimi Nakamura
 Kunio Murai 
 Hiroyuki Ikeuchi 
 Akira Sakurai 
 Yumi Shirakawa
 Noboru Yoshikawa 
 Shun Oguri
 Suguru Teshigawara 
 Kunihiro Ida
 Hajime Hakamada 
 Masahiro Kobayashi 
 Ryoko Uchiyamada 
 Reiko Tateishi
 Yoshiko Uchiyamada 
 Erika Mabuchi
 Tomoko Nomura 
 Miki Kuroda
 Hiroko Kotani
 Enjoji Aya
 Makoto Fujitomi
 Numata Baku
Nanako Mizuki 
Chikako Oshima 
Minami Shirakawa
Erika Tsukishima 
Hayashi Chika
Koji Nakamata
Yoshimasa Kondo

2. Episode 1

Let the games begin!

+Manga Events Equilvalents:  Volumes 1 & 2, Lessons 1-11
+Anime Events Equilvalents:  Volume 1-Lessons 1 & 2.

+Our dead hero's hair is not blonde in the drama.
+Onizuka starts the drama off window washing.  In the anime/manga, he did this when he was trying to make $ for the Okinawa trip.
+Like in the anime, it was Ryuji who gave Onizuka the tip that Holy Forest was hiring.
+The first two teachers at Holy Forest Academy/Musashi Seirin are Hiroshi Uchiyamada (who isn't bald in the manga by the way) and Koji Nakamata.  They are the ones to contact Onizuka's interview.  Fuyutsuki's already a teacher at the school... and thus we don't see her at this point.
+Uchiyamada unfortunately doesn't receive a german suplex.  He however does get something a bit more potent... exactly what a piece of wood got in Anime Volume 2-Lesson 9.
+Since we only have so many episodes in the drama version, the lessons and potent moments start right up...
+The first two (main) students of Class 4 that we meet is Kusano and Fujiyoshi (though as a viewer you're not suppose to know that yet)... of course Onizuka didn't know that when they approached him at the arcade (this happening just after the interview).  Even though Onizuka is not a teacher... he still manages to put the boys to work... though their "lesson" is not given to them yet.  Remember that the first student in the anime/manga was Yoshikawa.
+Mrs. Sakurai made a personal house visit to Onizuka's apartment.  She gave Ryuji the message (and business card) to have Onizuka see her by the end of the day if he still wanted the job.  By the time Ryuji tells Onizuka, it's a mere 11:45 PM.
+Well... as it relates to Onizuka getting to Holy Forest for the 'new interview,' the police is involved in this version as well... but not what you might think or hope.  Recall that Ryuji is a police cop in this version...  Think about it.
+The one condition for Onizuka's employment:  He must carry his resignation letter on him at all times.  Should he do something wrong (and it's a safe bet it will happen), he must immediately submit his resignation... thus ending his employment right there and then.  He does NOT get living space at the school in the drama version.  He retains his apartment, and several scenes will be played out here.
+Fuyutsuki's apartment in the drama is more stocked and furnished than the anime/manga.
+There is no principal at this school.  The position is left open... and Uchiyamada (though still with authority at a level close to a principal)... currently the head teacher... wants it. 
+Onizuka is teaching the dreaded class 4... but they're in the second year.. thus 2-4.  It was year 3, class 4 (3-4) in the anime/manga.  Despite this, the majority of students are either 16 or 17... a TAD older than when the students first started in the anime/manga.
+We immediately meet the other main teachers... Miss Kotani, Hakamata (Fukuroda), and Teshigawara.
+Fuyutsuki doesn't get treated well.  She gets used (perhaps because of  her lack of senority and kind nature) and abused (she's serving them tea nearly every morning, asked to do things when everyone else is capable of doing it or are just too lazy, make sacrifices, etc.).
+The doors to the classroom (as with SOME of the other rooms in the school) are not the slidable ones like in the anime/manga.  In fact... the majority of the school doors in other anime/manga series are sliding.
+Nanako Mizuki is a student here at Musashi Seirin, and is member of Class 2-4.  Definitely not the case in the anime/manga.
+Mayuko Asano gets mentioned (during Onizuka's roll call)... but she plays no major role (other than a 'cameo' mention/appearance) in the drama... especially when there is no Uehara.  The same can be applied to Naoko Izumi. 
+There is an "Iijima" in this class, but not as in "Saeko Iijima."  Note the character name changes/differences are mentioned in the roster list.
+Kikuchi is the 'class leader' or class representative.  I believe it was Aizawa in the anime/manga.  Also, drama Kikuchi wears no glasses.
+Murai doesn't have any 'flunkies' in the drama.  Kusano and Fujiyoshi 'work' for Nanako.  This will be one of the 'groups' in class 2-4.  These two will (unfortunately) sort of face the same fate [as a result of this change] as the Musashino punks of class 0 in the anime/manga.
+The first attempt by Class 4 to rid themselves of Onizuka is done via Nanako.  The attempt made is the same as the one she did in the anime/manga.  Remember that in the anime/manga, the first attempt was via Kikuchi and the pictures.
+Yeah, it's only the first episode, and already we get a glimpse of the (un)happy life of Uchiyamada and his family at home.
+Nanako's nickname for Onizuka will be "Onichi."
+Onizuka's main drama mode of transportation is a bike... as in bicycle... not as in the anime/manga motorcycle.
+We get to see Fuyutsuki's life out of school in the drama.  She's looking for a certain man...
+Ah the politics/issues of the law... lawsuits... responsiblity... playing by the rules... legality...
+Uchiyamada and Fuyutsuki are at Nanako's house when Onizuka comes crashing in... to make a very large hole.  No (Holy Forest) teachers present in the anime/manga for the obvious reason.
+We end the first episode with a little bit of Kikuchi's handiwork.  Yes... apparently they can show that on Japanese television.

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3. Episode 2

A not-so-little episode involving Kikuchi.

+Manga Events Equilvalents:  Volume 3-Lesson 17.
+Anime Events Equilvalents:  Volume 1-Lesson 4.

+And so we finally get a chance to see how much Kikuchi will do in the drama.
+Kikuchi's picture ended up at the main entrance of the school... along with the teacher's office.  Wow.
+Yeah... we all knew how much of pervert Teshigawara was in the anime/manga.  Like hiding it in the drama will help any.
+ Sakurai wants Onizuka in this school so much... and the fact that she's willing to purposely dodge and avoid Uchiyamada (to help accomplish that) is funny!
+Murai did not dye his hair blond in the drama.  His haircut more resembles that of a younger Murai depicted in a Kujirakawa prompted flashback shown in the anime/manga.
+Fuyutsuki carries around a resignation with her at all times too... but for different reasons.  You see teaching was not her first career choice... forced into it... wanted to be a stewardess.  Yes... a completely different character in the drama...
+We have Ryuji explaining on how pictures can be fake.
+Nanako and co. tips Onizuka off that Kikuchi is the one behind the pictures.  Remember that it was Yoshikawa who almost told in the anime, and that Kikuchi himself confessed early on in the manga.
+Unlike the manga, things did not simply end just because Kikuchi confessed.  After all, we have to fill an entire TV episode!  So the pictures didn't work... but Kikuchi can still make Onizuka's life difficult.  He first walks out on his classs...
+... Of course that doesn't stop Onizuka from being... Onizuka.  He chooses a time to try to get Kikuchi to make more fakes... for himself... when he's suppose to be trying to bring him back to school...
+... And unfortunately poor Fuyutsuki gets dragged into this... and mostly doesn't do any better than Onizuka initially.
+ Kikuchi attends cram school... to prepare for the entrance exams.  Apparently it's the type of school he's more willing to go through...
+In the drama, our resident gaming expert is Kikuchi.  He teaches Onizuka a thing or two.  Sorry Yoshikawa!!!  In the anime/manga, the reverse happens... though Onizuka was dished out the lessons to Murai.
+We get to see how much of an English (language) teacher Fuyutsuki can be... and how just much better Kikuchi is...
+Kikuchi accidentally bumps into a bunch of boys, and they want to cause trouble.  The same thing happened to Murai in the anime/manga.  Drama Kikuchi tries to use his cockiness, intellect, connections, his words, and intelligence... but it can (unfortunately) only go so far.
+More domestic family problems... ah poor Uchiyamada.
+A few words overheard from Murai, Kikuchi, and Aizawa prompts Fuyutsuki to try harder!
+Onizuka's lesson plan for Kikuchi involves the usual overdramatics... and it's fun to watch.  Help provided by Nanako and co.
+Fuyutsuki tears up a application to become a stewardess... you suppose Onizuka's starting to get to her too... albeit slowly...
+The episode ends with Onizuka, Nanako, Fujiyoshi, and Kusano having fun... impromptu Fourth of July celebration... complete with fireworks (but alas no bottle rockets)... and Yoshikawa up on the school roof...

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4. Episode 3

Yoshilkawa's struggle in life.

+Manga Events Equilvalents:  Volume 2-Lessons 13 & 14, Volumes 3 & 4 Lessons 21-24.
+Anime Events Equilvalents:  Volume 1-Lesson 3, Volume 2 Lessons 5 & 6.

+As expected, our dear great teacher Onizuka goes and saves Yoshikawa.  As expected, a car is 'used' in the rescue attempt.  Although the Toyota Cresta is a real car... it sadly does not get used in the drama version.  Instead the car to get SMASHED is a Mercedes Benz.  Expensive... you bet it is!  Significant... sure it is.   However... it's not a Cresta... and despite it being a Benz... it's really not the same.  Ok you win... Uchiyamada still gets screwed either way.  48 loan payments... OUCH!  Hope your insurance premiums are paid...
+Since there is no Uehara in the drama... it's up to Aizawa and her cronies to do the nasty deeds (note nasty) to Yoshikawa.
+Here we meet the remaining main teacher... one Makoto Fujitomi.  He teaches the Japanese literature here... and is considered to be a teacher version of Yoshikawa.  In other words... he doesn't get a lot of respect... from BOTH the teachers and students.  That's not even counting the parents...  He takes so much abuse... and doesn't do too much about it.  Oh man what is the world coming too...
+Fujitomi teaches=a normal day in school when the teacher is away and leaves a substitute... no one pays attention or does anything constructive.  Ah let the paper fly!
+Onizuka tells the infamous shumai story in the drama... but to a smaller crowd (Nanako, Fujiyoshi, Kusano, Yoshikawa and Fujitomi) in the nurse's office.  Apparently there isn't much call for a nurse... like the anime for a long time.  LOL.  Bad news for the drama Onizuka... Yoshikawa ruins the scary story by spoiling the ending.  Of course then Yoshikawa tries telling a scary story.  If you're curious, it went something like this (HIGHLIGHT BELOW... I changed the text's color to match with the table's background):

"This is the story of a father who killed his own baby.  This father had a newborn baby.  He had no choice, and abandoneed the baby in a coin locker.  That was his downfall.  The father couldn't stand the guilt.  He returned to the coin locker.  But, when he opened the door, the baby that should have been there was gone.  Five years passed.  As if pulled by fate, he returned to that coin locker.  That's when a boy so pale he was almost transparent was looking at him . The man asked 'Where did you come from?'  That boy answered like this 'I ... was born here.'  The man gathered his courage and asked... 'Who is your father?'  And the that boy answered him 'IT'S YOU!'  The dramatic effect comes in when the storyteller points at Onizuka at the end of the story-thus scaring him... who jumped into Fujitomi's lap. Unfortunately, Nakamata comes in and catches them a few minutes later. 
+Fujitomi decides to retire... things at the school are getting too unbearable... 
+More of Onizuka's "POLICY":   Yoshikawa's lesson from Onizuka (and partly half of Aizawa's first lesson) is very unique... and unexpected.  Not only is Fuyutsuki shocked and apalled, but so is Aizawa and her cronies.  The first lesson involves pulling a Michael Jackson... dangling a baby... um, ur Yoshikawa off a balcony... oh wait that's a roof... to get Aizawa (and Yoshikawa) to realize a few things.  Simple isn't it?  You mean it's NOT?  Ok... here comes the second part... something you'll really like... to emphasize his point... Onizuka then decided to dangle AIZAWA off a roof.  Oh man... how sweet it is... for those who aren't Aizawa fans.  Well add Uchiyamada and his family trying to have a peaceful (yet unsuccessful) family outing a few feet below... just to add to the chaos...  Hey Yoshiko... you wanted a Prada bag right?  Well what fell in isn't that... but it's something right?
+And you know Miyabi will NOT take this lying down... she plans to embrass him in front of the school at an assembly... in the form of a public apology...
+"We want to solve all problems" MY BUTT!  Uchiyamada you sneaky little...  This won't be the last time we see the 'big-5' teachers (Uchiyamada, Nakamata, Kotani, Aktamata, Teshigawara) act evil and unprofessional...
+Like the anime/manga, Yoshikawa gets the courage to stand up to what he believes in... and to strip down to save Onizuka.  Also like the anime/manga, Kikuchi had to come in with a few select audio tidbits (he was convienently not in the auditorium so...)
+Fujitomi decides to stick it out here at the school... thanks in part to Onizuka and the recent events.
+Of course life is still difficult... Aizawa is not going to take this lying down.  Despite having to write an essay as punishment, she gets Murai and the non-Onizuka aligned students (that would be everyone except for Kikuchi, Yoshikawa, Nanako, Fujiyoshi, and Kusano) to boycott his class.  This sets the scene for the next few episodes...

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5. Episode 4

Japan... meet Tomoko Nomura.

+Manga Events Equilvalents:  Volumes 4 & 5, Lessons 30-36
+Anime Events Equilvalents:  Volumes 2 & 3 Lessons 9-11

+Aizawa and the others will not come back to school unless Onizuka is GONE!
+Onizuka has until the first day of the fall semester to bring back EVERY single student of Class 4 back.  If not... it's curtains for Onizuka.  Fortunately for him he has more than 'one episode' to pull this off in.  Also Onizuka has to take a pay cut...
+Even though Aizawa and Murai has the students under their control (do not betray the group; do not go back to school, etc.), Aizawa uses Tomoko to try to oust Onizuka much earlier than the fall deadline.  In other words, instead of a slow death, we're going to try a much faster execution.  Is this Aizawa trying to do too little... going overboard... or doing enough...
+Onizuka needs money fast... and it seems a paegant's paying... especially if you refer talent to them.  It turns out it's perfect for a certain girl in class... just not Nanako.
+Like in the anime/manga, Tomoko puts in the letter in the wrong place...though in the drama version it's a drawer/mailbox outside the teachers' office... not a locker.
+Unfortunately, you will be disappointed to know that the letter does not accidentally end up in Hakamata (Fukuroda)'s box, but instead to Nakamata's.  Oh man these teachers and their perverted thoughts...  Luckily in the drama things don't get to a point where it had gone to in the manga.
+Tomoko gets 'executed' from the group via a few bops from a volleyball and being left in the dark equipment room.  A bit milder than in the anime and manga versions.
+Oh believe me... one has to form their own identity in life... you can't copy someone else's.  Tomoko's better off NOT imitating Miyabi any further.
+Remember that Aizawa and the others are boycotting Onizuka's class, NOT EVERYONE ELSE'S.  We get to see how much of a creep Aizawa can be... and how mean Kotani can be as teacher during a sewing lesson (during a home ec. class or a bridal class)
+In order to help Tomoko, Fuyutsuki starts to grow a backbone.  The first person she (sort of) tells off is Ms. Kotani.  The roadblock stopping Tomoko from entering are the school rules.  Kotani won't have Tomoko skipping class... and of course Onizuka finds a way to fix that!
+Yoshiko meets a wonderful new man... a complete opposite of daddy dearest.  Although we won't find out who for a few episodes, remember that this is a television version of a show/manga that had 'anything happening, anything goes.'
+And of course the next roadblock :  Aizawa enters the pageant.  No change here.
+Onizuka intervenes in this version as well... with the help of hand puppets.  The result is a dramatic display of feelings and emotions to Aizawa similar to the anime.
+Kotani is not happy at the recent turn of events... she starts to lose it a little.
+As with all the episodes thus far, we end with a sneak peak of what is to come next.  The summer vacation has come, but students are still skipping Onizuka's class.  It's not going to get any easier as Teshigawara rears his ugly head at last!

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6. Episode 4

The actions of an intellectual... NOT!

+Manga Events Equilvalents:  Volumes 5 Lessons 39-41
+Anime Events Equilvalents:  Volume 3-Lesson 12

+Ah it's time for one of the more enjoyable parts/aspects of the Great Teacher Onizuka series... Teshigawara.  Let's see how it plays out in one episode of the drama.


11. Episode 10


+Manga Events Equilvalents:
+Anime Events Equilvalents:

+Doing the deed to try to steal the answers is Nanako, Kusano, and Fujiyoshi.  Sad to say that they went in without political figure face disguises.  This plan was doomed to fail because Aizawa overheard things.  Hakamata almost finds the kids, but intervention from Kikuchi and Yoshikawa saves Nanako and company.  Kikuchi then tries to hack into the system to get the answers, but gets (surprisingly and shockingly) blocked by Teshigawara.  Gee... I wonder if Aizawa had something to do with this... but for the teachers to get back at the students... especially Teshigawara to get a chance to get back at Kikuchi... is really cute.
+Shirai (Oshima) and Iijima (Tsukishima) informs Onizuka that Teshigawara and Akamata have Kikuchi, Yoshikawa, Nanako, Fujiyoshi, and Kusano in custody the next morning.  Fortunately, the teachers can't do anything due to lack of SOLID evidence.  Like the anime version, the students nearly risked their lives for him... prompting Onizuka to try harder!
+Like the anime and manga versions, there is something that prevented Onizuka from taking the test on time.  Here in the drama version is a date gone wrong.  Aizawa realizes that Shinichi Toudo doesn't like her, and it's part of a very vicious game.  Murai gets hurt trying to assist, but the Jindan crew accompanying Shinichi quickly overwhelms Murai.  Luckily Onizuka drops by in an Onizuka fashion to help.  Just when you think the Big O has won, Shinichi pulls out a knife...
+Unlike the Anime and Manga versions (relating to Onizuka taking the test after saving Hidemi Ohta in distress), Onizuka doesn't even finish a single question when time is called (this comes into play in the next episode).  Of course this is when the blood/wound is discovered.
+Aizawa finally converts... making her the last student in 2-4 to be on Onizuka's side.  He does something for her that prompted this...

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12.  Episode 11

How evil and despicable people can be... it's sickening, really!

+Manga Events Equlivalents:  Volume 7-Lesson 51
+Anime Events Equlivalents:  Volume 4-Lesson 14

>>'Drama Exclusive Event' OVERALL

+There is where the Drama series branches out to end differently than the anime/manga versions, I THINK!
+Onizuka is fighting for his life in the hospital... Sakurai wants Fuyutsuki to be a GTF... Great Teacher Fuyutsuki.
+As if you couldn't see it coming, yet ANOTHER student gets his powerful parent to wreck havoc onto Musashi Seirin Academy (a common occurance in Great Teacher Onizuka it seems).  Shinichi Toudo gets his father... the term's vice president of the Ministry of Education involved.  And of course... a certain part of the story (that Shinichi was the person responsible) was 'conveniently' left out.
+Onizuka got a zero... Remember that in the anime/manga Mrs. Sakurai was able to arrange something so that he got a perfect score.  This is not the case here.
+The teachers scramble to come up with a plan to alleviate responsiblity away from the schools.  The jackals... ur teachers opt to use the 'zero score'... and they also have other plans...
+Miyabi Aizawa tries to get her mother to help prevent Onizuka from getting the ax... but Mr. Toudo/Toudou gets to her right after... complicating things even further...  Indeed she puts the blame not on Onizuka, but more on Musashi Seirin Academy itself...
+In the manga/anime, Teshigawara sent faxes to the media to spread rumor/lies about Onizuka.  Shinichi does the deed here in the drama... this sends the media storming to the school, making life more difficult...
+Um the pixelating effect to protect the parents on television sucked big time.  Take a lesson from "Cops" people...
+Kikuchi and Murai tries convince Shinichi, but it fails.  The two will do anything to save him... and that means anything... and remember that violence doesn't help.
+Miss Fuyutsuki tries to talk to Shinichi's father, but as usual, it falls on deaf ears.  This-as usual-pisses Uchiyamada off.
+Mr. Toudo/Toudou makes Uchiyamada an offer he can't refuse... which could lead to the principal's chair...
+At the assembly, it is announced that Onizuka would be fired.  In an unexpected twist, Aizawa's mom calls for the dismissial of Chairman Akira Sakurai as well.  All the teachers (save for Fuyutsuki and Fujitomi) also agree to this.  This shows the evilness/true nature of the teachers... real scum they are.  She never got to say anything in her defense-sad really.  Onizuka returns to school-but clueless to the reality of the situation.  Kikuchi figures out the 'coup de ta'... this is the plot of the Uchiyamada and the teachers... in part thanks to Toudo(u)
+Now both Onizuka and Sakurai are GONE!  Fuyutsuki joins them... quitting because it would be bad to remain in a school like that... where the teachers are acting in the way that they are.  Should Miss Fuyutsuki remained and try to make a difference?  She could have... but it wouldn't have done any good... the way the main teachers are...

+In what can be considered an ultimate upset... the entire student population of Musashi Seirin Academy boycotts the school... leaving very empty classrooms... and panicked teachers!  This is all due to the firing of Onizuka... and the true nature of the teachers revealed...

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13. Episode 12

Maybe there is hope yet for people to evolve and better themselves...

+Manga Events Equlivalents:  ?????
+Anime Events Equlivalents:  VERY Slight Volume 10-Lesson 43

>>'Drama Exclusive Event' OVERALL
+Mr. Toudo/Toudou has plans for our Musashi Seirin Academy... and this doesn't go well for the teachers.  Uchiyamada isn't getting what he wants-a little doubl-cross/ betrayal if you will...
+Miss Fuyutsuki is now an airline stewardess... but is she really happy with the choice?  What is to become of her and Onizuka?
+There are now only two main Onizuka aligned groups (to lead the other class members of 2-4) at this point in the drama.  The first is the obvious Nanako, Fujiyoshi, and Kusano combo [which was in place since Episode 1].  The other one (slightly surprising but not completely unexpected) is Aizawa, Murai, and Kikuchi working in 'partnership.'  Yoshikawa is not in any one group in particular, but does fall closer to Nanako's.  Shirai and Iijima are still 'partnered'-but they aren't aligned with anyone-not even with Aizawa.

+I'm not going to ruin the ending, but indeed this is very emotional and dramatic (that and slight parts of it resembles the Anime and Manga endings).  It did deserve being the most watched...  Let's say that there will be some surprises and expected outcomes.  Just remember that the good guys do win in the end!  Onizuka does end up living one of the greatest moments in his life... what it is?  You'll just have to watch the show in order to find out...

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14.  Conclusions/ Thoughts on the Drama Version of GTO

-I found it interesting on how 'Great Teacher Onizuka' could take place in a non-Anime setting... a.k.a. the Real World.  While the 'Anime/Manga Universe' can have anything happen, the real world isn't so lucky.  The drama/live-action version of GTO is realistic-meaning that what happened there could actually happen in the real world that we live in.

-Along the terms of 'realism,' some of the events of the manga were suited for 'conversion' into the live action version, while others would look awful/silly/weird.  An example is:  Onizuka [with 'superhuman' abilities] saving Yoshikawa two times (and destroying a car) was good for the anime, but a 'real life' Onizuka may not have 'lived' if a second suicide attempt occured in the drama (with the idea tha a human could only take so much) and the car couldn't be destroyed THAT much realistically...  Another example is Urumi Kanzaki.  Could someone get away with doing the things she did in the manga in the real world?  Hard to say...

-I can see why the last episode drama version of GTO was the most watched... very interesting indeed.

-The 'law' gets played so much... the politics of responsibility... promotion... advancement... personal achievement... goals... ignorance...

-The acting was great-all helped to define the characters-and show who they are and what they did.  Don't complain about the fact that Uchiyamada wasn't bald in the drama.   For one things, the live-action version or drama is meant to be dramatic more than humorous (taking place in the real world instead of the anime world helps to change the reality/perspective/rules for one).  Besides, Uchiyamada having hair IS NOT THE biggest loss in the world.  Important lessons were taught throughout-and is one of the main focuses of the series.  You have to have a certain class/style throughout.

-The endings of all three versions (anime/manga/drama) had to be different (in some ways)... I mean we have the same GTO characters (for the most part)... but different 'universes'~which leads to similar storylines with their unique differences.

-Yes... I was slightly disappointed that Kikuchi was "watered down" in the drama version... but the "main" focus-again-is on the teachers-mainly Onizuka and Fuyutsuki.  You might have noticed that the students' role in assisting Onizuka is less in the drama.