what you can find in each room/area of this "Great Teacher Onizuka" fansite.
This 'site
map' or 'visitor's center' is here for you... the visitors.
updates are made here in the audio-visual room. Go here to learn
when the fansite was updated, and what was specifically added/updated.
can meet and find out some things about the teachers and administrators
that appear in the series. If you thought your teacher was unique,
just wait until you meet some of these people...
3-4 holds the Year 3, Class 4 students. These are the students that
have made left their mark in the series... both good and bad. It
makes you wonder who they are and what could they do...
main/significiant other characters that appear in "Great Teacher Onizuka"
have gathered here.
minor/not-so-significiant other characters have gathered here. Other
fansites may not mention them, but here we do.
have many unique files/data about certain/selective aspects of the series.
Don't worry... there is plenty of space and extra copies for all.
resident computer expert and class 3-4 member Yoshito Kikuchi often works
from here. This is also known as a 'Yoshito Kikuchi fan shrine,'
part 1 of 2.
is the 'Yoshito Kikuchi fan shrine,' part 2 of 2. Kikuchi is significant
to the series, and you can see why.
the moment, we have information and pictures of the Toyota Cresta here.
In the future, we hope to include the Hakosuka (anime episodes 25 &
26) and Onizuka's motorcycle. After all, a parking lot is where one
parks vehicles right?
to other Onizuka related sites or sites of interest.
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