Ah anyway, welcome to the color gallery. Here you'll find pictures of Great Teacher Onizuka character Yoshito Kikuchi as he appears in the anime version of the series. I've selected some of the best pictures available of our dear Kikuchi, and placed them here for all those interested. Please do enjoy yourself during your stay here. Remember, ONLY look, NOT touch! Oh, the manga or 'black and white' pictures are located in a different gallery. Also included are some attempts at funny captions. Note the key word 'ATTEMPTS.' More pictures will be added in due time. Can't exactly put everything up at once. I need something to draw the crowds back here! |
This particular section was last updated on: December 21, 2003. DISCLAIMER:Great Teacher Onizuka/GTO belongs to the original creator Tohru Fujisawa, and all related companies involved with GTO(like Tokyopop, etc). I do not own any of this! This page was created for entertainment/informative purposes only/ as part of a GTO fansite. If there is a problem with this, or any other part of the GTO part of my website, please do not hesistate to contact me here and I will promptly remedy the situation. No harm is intended by the creation, maintenance, and existence of this page. >>Subsequently, I don't own any of the OTHER anime characters mentioned/referenced to/ or shown below. |
I just threw random pictures in a set. There are NO themes whatsoever in these sets. |
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BONUS QUESTION: Can you figure out just WHAT I was thinking when I made this picture? You don't get anything if you get the question right... it's just here for fun!!! |
I thought this was a creative/cute idea. |
BONUS QUESTION: One of the main characters in "Weiss
Kreuz" is named Ken... a pro soccer player turned assassin. Tomakazu
Seki is the voice actor who provided that voice. Which character
does he provide a voice for in "Great Teacher Onizuka?" You don't
get anything if you get the question right... it's just here for fun!!!
The answer can be found below by highlighting.
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