![]() Note: Building shown is NOT the actual the computer lab in the series. This is what it COULD look like! |
Just don't be in an absolute haste to ignore the introduction, warning, and page disclaimer below! The
following parts are here in Computer Lab A/this page:
following parts are now located in the Computer Lab B (another page)
due to space concerns: CLICK HERE
You can access either of
these two files from either part of the computer lab:
You can learn all sorts of stuff about one of the most interesting (and cool) characters in Great Teacher Onizuka here! The majority of the information about Kikuchi is derived from the anime and manga versions. Any information about Kikuchi as it relates to his character as it's represented in the live-action/non-animated/drama version of GTO is listed RED!!! In simplest terms... this also is a Yoshito Kikuchi fanshrine-part of this GTO Fansite 'Holy Forest Academy.' So sit back, for there is lots of information right here! Please feel free to hover your cursor over the pictures for some information/comments (if available)! Feel like there's something wrong with the page... or maybe you want to email me about something... comment... talk GTO/Kikuchi? You are certainly welcome to email webmaster "Yoshijiro Tikuchi" (again not my real name, just the alias)... just please NO hate mail or bashing. There is a difference between 'debate/discussion' and 'bashing.' Reminder: "Onizuka-ism" is the term I've created to refer to a student who is on Onizuka's side. You could think of it as a 'group'/'organization'/'elite club.' Onizuka himself would be the 'captain'/'leader'/'president.' The information below is either of the basic or plot-spoiler type. Please proceed with caution! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! THERE ARE HEAVY AMOUNTS OF INFORMATION (ESPECIALLY SPOILERS/DETAILED) ON THIS PAGE!!! Also it is based on the North American anime and manga versions, so this page will be updated accordingly as they become available (any hints of future events/occurances were done based on advanced research on the non-American versions)! I've tried to make information as accurate as possible, with some guesses/inferences. Some of my personal opinions have been included at no extra charge! |
This particular section was last updated on: September 1, 2004. DISCLAIMER:Great Teacher Onizuka/GTO belongs to the original creator Tohru Fujisawa, and all related companies involved with GTO(like Tokyopop, etc). I do not own any of this! This page was created for entertainment/informative purposes only/ as part of a GTO fansite. If there is a problem with this, or any other part of the GTO part of my website, please do not hesistate to contact me here and I will promptly remedy the situation. No harm is intended by the creation, maintenance, and existence of this page. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Name pronunciation (consulted dictionary~best fit): " yo-she-too ki-koo-che" First appearance: Brief Appearance
before the First: Manga>Volume 3-Lesson 16 (taking pictures of
Onizuka during the first homeroom session-only a mouth shot, and at his
room-at the computer-in the darkness-back shot),
GTO Manga Cover
to 'Onizuka-ism': Manga>Volume
3-Lesson 17, Anime>Volume 1-Lesson 4
+"Don't be
ridiculous. I think five evil steps ahead."
+"Besides, history
is full of rebels compromising a few rules for the sake of the greater
+"Just Watch.
It doesn't pay to mess with Kikuchi and me."
+ Love interest:
The statement is dependant on how you interpret the phrase 'he doesn't even like girls.' Kikuchi is old enough and certainly smart enough to know what he wants in life (meaning he has an understanding of his sexual preferences). Perhaps he doesn't like girls (romantically/sexually) at all, or maybe he just doesn't have interest (romantically/sexually) in girls at this moment in his life. With this statement, Aoi Fukada must be special enough in some way to have Kikuchi's interest... though never exactly mentioned. The two are rather smart... perhaps he like her intellectually and for no other reason... Kikuchi doesn't hate girls altogether in the literal sense (he does help/hang out with Tomoko and Kanzaki), but he also doesn't have to hate girls in order to love members of the same sex. This statement in the English version is pretty strong... meaning that it's hinting on so much.
-Composite 1 of 'Onizuka
on the wooden horse': There is a woman in the background of the picture...
but you can't use that alone to make a case. But it took some skills/guts
to have stuff coming out of Onizuka's butt...
The composites alone can't determine it alone (they may SEEM single sided, but you have to imagine the possibilites). You have to have more facts to go with.
-They certainly share a common interest: The economy (Volume 8-Lesson 68 and Volume 9-Lesson 77). Murai gets angry at them because they don't act their own age/like normal high school students. They both know each other (somewhat well) since they've been in the same class (through the years) for a while. -They do 'hang out' with one another at times. The two were on the same team competiting for the 10,000 yen and they both talked afterwards (Manga Volume 9-Lesson 76)-with Kikuchi making a comment about Kanzaki's smile. Then again, Kanzaki and Kikuchi being on the same team doesn't neccesarily mean much as well. -Most of the time they think or do things on the same wavelength... but of course Kanzaki is a bit more extreme. -But all of these things alone doesn't completely validate the possibility of the two ever being romantically involved.
Someone once said that those who are similar tend to come together. Kikuchi and Yoshikawa are such... both are somewhat quiet and they have a strong concentration with some electronic (Kikuchi-computers and Yoshikawa-videogames)
Kikuchi went to Wakui (Manga Volume 21) during his time of need after a run-in with Ai Tokiwa. Meanwhile, Wakui's need to inflict revenge was helped along thanks to Kikuchi's introduction to Ichiro Okinoshima-Tomoko's manager (Manga Volume 21). Best friends do things for each other... and Kikuchi knew what Wakui was going through...
After Tokiwa gets settled in her not-quite-peaceful first day at Holy Forest, she immediately gets to work... including charming Kikuchi. She tosses him her panties (Manga Volume 20-Lesson 164)... though it was a set up to embrass him in front of the entire class. >>Kikuchi's reactions
to the panty is an OBVIOUS sign that he's straight. Was he really
bothered by it even though it was actually a joke?
Not a strong coupling
possiblity... considering the only thing that they had in common was the
karate/martial arts skills.
Strong qualities/characteristics:
Bad qualities/characteristics: +smokes on occasion (MANGA VERSION ONLY!!!) Let's hope the karate skillz aren't affected as a result. Note the site author DOES NOT ENDORSE the use of cigarettes.
Note the site author DOES NOT ENDORSE the use of cigarettes. His home: ![]() ![]() His bedroom: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Japanese version:
Hikaru Midorikawa
As it relates to the English version of Great Teacher Onizuka, several of the voice actors and actresses have mulitple roles/characters. While I won't go into the pros and cons of this 'set-up,' it is interesting to note that Kikuchi was done by two different actors. If you'd actually noticed the credits or even paid close attention to the audio, then you'd notice the difference in voices. Both voices add certain aspects to the Kikuchi character. The Japanese seiyu is Hikaru Midorikawa. He is no stranger to anime. Three of the other roles he's done is one 'Tamahome' from the series 'Fushigi Yugi,' one is of a certain Perfect Soldier from a popular Gundam Series (Yes... that would be 'Heero Yuy' from 'Gundam Wing.'), and the third being one Seto Kaiba from Yu Gi Oh! While I don't know Japanese, the voice sounds good with the character. Note that the credits with regard to the US version lists him as 'Hikari Midorikawa' for the longest of time until finally getting it right near the end. Well we do know that both Heero and Kikuchi are good with computers... and sometimes they have to 'put up' with something annoying/troublesome (Relena and Onizuka-it's how you interpret it). LOL! GTO Drama/Live-Action
Version Actor with the role of Yoshito Kikuchi:
Here the 'live-action' Kikuchi isn't decked out with glasses. The Kikuchi portrayed here is more cool looking and relaxed. Since the GTO Live Action Drama is not very long and does focus on other things-we don't have to have a 100% (or 75%) accurate portrayal of Kikuchi. From what I heard, Yosuke Kubozuka has starred in many other Japanese TV shows/movies. |
Part 1: Manga Volume 3-8/Anime Volume 1-4 ![]() ![]() Note: Why start with Volume 3 of the manga? Simple, that's when Kikuchi first makes his appearance... Although some of the information below 'takes place' before Volume 3, most of it is tied into analysis/predictions in relation to Kikuchi's character. When Onizuka came
to Holy Forest, Mrs. Sakurai assigned him to be the homeroom teacher of
the dreaded Class 4, now in their third year at the school (thus 'Class
3-4'). During the Year 2 (last year), Class 4 (or 'Class 2-4') had
built up quite a reputation of pulling nasty tricks on the teachers.
The tricks continued and were of a certain degree of cruelty and meaness...
but was enough to eventually drive teachers away. Kikuchi himself
was the one who drove out three teachers (one tried to committ suicide,
another became an unsolved mystery by simply disappearing (Arima), and
the other one I'm discussing in the next sentence). [By the way,
the teacher mentioned in Anime Volume 10-Lesson 42 COULD be one of these
other teachers...] This previous homeroom teacher of Class 4 was Miss Kahara.
It was so bad for Miss Kahara that she checked herself into a religious-cult
thingie place and started eating-to the point where she's nothing like
her thin self (not before attempting to set the students on fire).
Although the EXACT CAUSE was not mentioned on what
drove Miss Kahara OUT, but we can guess Kikuchi was involved in
this, and having something to do with it... the most likely weapon
involving the fake pictures (one involving an alien doing some 'probing'
and the other involved 'Kahara' pulling a 'Lewinsky' on a '<Vice> Principal').
With Kikuchi "out
of the picture," (LOL!) Uehara and Murai attempted to start anew
where Kikuchi left off...
Part 2: Anime Volumes 5-7 ![]() ![]() ![]() In the anime, Miss Fuyutsuki had went to Hokuba after losing her confidience as a teacher. Onizuka (in part responsible) had to go find her, and enlisted him, Murai, and Tomoko (all three being in the 'wrong place at the wrong time') in helping him. Kikuchi's observant eyes helped find the correspondence letters necessary to figure out where she went. ![]() ![]() Kikuchi (along with Murai and Tomoko) didn't do much on the Hokuba trip. Sure he saved Onizuka from drowning (at the request of Fuyutsuki), but it wasn't that much (Onizuka CAN swim-he did supposedly beat Fukuroda... and I doubt drowning would have done him in). Again Kikuchi's kept calm to the tense and and unique situations, and he knew what was bound to happen (i.e. what death-defying act Onizuka was going to pull). This event did not occur in the manga, but of course there will be plenty more b/w events that Kikuchi'll shine in. ![]() Another anime exclusive event was when Onizuka ran into some bad luck. Ah what chain letters can do to a person. When Onizuka thought he had cancer (just a disease in the English dub version), he was convinced he was going to die... and thus starting spending time OUTSIDE of the classroom with whatever time he thought he had left. Kikuchi, Yoshikawa, Murai, Kusano, Kanzaki, and Fujiyoshi were the only students of the class concerned enough (and able) to try to find him... to do something to help out (like to try to make Onizuka's 'last days' more enjoyable in some way). Our computer expert Kikuchi must have had some great hacker skillz... because he was to find/learn the truth about the hospital records/X-Ray. By doing this (a great idea to confirm Onizuka's health-as he could have been out there looking for him like everyone else was), Kikuchi helped to prevent some potentially horrible things from occuring (time wasting, Fuyutsuki's virginity loss, unnecessary emotional bursts from everyone). Kikuchi's smarts, again with being able to keep a calm head to see clearly, helped out in this mess! ![]() Kikuchi's reputation of being the smart one has not been forgotten. When new Nurse Nao Kadena offered something rather special for Murai, Fujiyoshi, and Murai if they made the Top 50 in the Trial Exam (something like the Togaku), they went to Kikuchi for study help/advice. Kikuchi provided some of the 'tools,' but it was up to those three to be able to reach up to their goal. ![]() ![]() ![]() Ah the anime 'exclusive' events... can't get tired of these. We get to see Onizuka and company try their hands at show business, when Onizuka decided that Tomoko needed a (temporary) change in management. In Lessons 27 & 28, we get to see Onizuka kind of pick up where he left off in helping/managing Tomoko (from Lessons 10 & 11). Of course he appointed help... in terms of what whom I affectionally call 'Big Five' (Kikuchi, Kanzaki, Murai, Kusano, and Fujiyoshi). They accompanied Onizuka all around throughout these commericals and jobs in Lesson 27 & 28. Although they provided at most moral support for Tomoko, Kikuchi was able to at least figure out that Onizuka's actions in Lesson 27 HAD some purpose to them-even those they seemed to be silly and ridiculous @ first. Our man with his great thinking and computing skills... By the way, you don't need to have an high level of smarts (Kikuchi/Kanzaki) to figure out that the Manager's Plan was a bit far-fetched (and on the edge of madness/insanity/fantasy). It was nice though of Kanzaki to get a second opinion on that Plan. ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh but it was actually Tomoko that got herself into some trouble for the contest. Megumi Hoshino and company became determined to make sure that Tomoko wouldn't even COME close to getting first place in the princess contest (while trying to take it for themselves). Onizuka's schemes should have yielded heavy gains for Tomoko, but left many stunned and confused (again due to Warning Production's interference ). Kikuchi (and Kanzaki) figured out something was going on (while everyone didn't suspect a thing). Although Kikuchi did 'reveal' what was going on/happened, it was NEVER shown or mentioned on how Kikuchi SPECIFICALLY obtained the info/evidence (and if he had help from Kanzaki in doing this). He certainly must have gone to 'great lengths' to do all of this-again demostrating the 'putting your own butt at risk' principle. It really would have been interesting to see Kikuchi 'acting solo' to get this evidence (though it might have required at least a 1/2 of an episode to do that)... Despite the fact that the evidence was there, Kikuchi suggested that things should 'end' after the contest results were announced... with Onizuka agreeing. Although Kikuchi (this time around) couldn't forsee what Onizuka was planning (the eventual long term repurcussions which worked in Tomoko's favor), he practiced the concept of 'discretion is the better part of valor.' Would it have been worth it to attempt to go against the best talent agency/production company that existed? If what they did to Tomoko seemed bad... then attempting to get back at them might have made things worst. This of course, is what could have been one of the possibilities... Of course getting revenge (extreme) the way Kanzaki had ORIGINALLY wanted to may not have led to the same results... Things did work out when they 'left it alone' when they did. |